I know I have fallen into the trap of feeling sluggish and uninspired after the relentless cycle of storms we've been having in New England. And so many people I know and meet report feeling the same. This has been a very tough winter (understatement of the year). Time to break the cycle, Mother Nature!
Sometimes the best cure for the winter doldrums is simply looking forward. And so that is what I'm gonna do and I hope you'll do it too. Think of the flowering trees Boston so beautifully displays every spring. Think of getting outside to exchange a smile and a hello with a neighbor. Know that baseball, crocuses, light jackets and the smell of lilac are right around the corner!
One of the best things to kick start home organizing goals in early spring is to plan a yard sale, garage sale, or estate sale ("Tag sales" for all of you native New Englanders). If you already know you have a few items ready to be set free in a yard sale, then it is likely you have many more and plenty for a successful sale.
This March, April and May, I will be offering a discounted hourly rate (10% off) for the preparation and running of weekend yard sales. Weekends book up fast, so please contact me early and we'll begin decluttering your spaces and making you money to boot!
Happy Valentine's Day!