About Time Organizing

Being organized is not about being tidy. It's about time!

Monday, May 31, 2010


Lots of people ask me, "what made you start an organizing business?" The answer is oh-so-simple. I was BORN to organize. As a tot, I used to play "organizing" games staged in the bedroom I shared with my younger sister. I'm a quintessential organizing nerd.

But what I may or may not have been born to do is become an entrepreneur and sole proprietor. That's what has held me back for so many years. Yes, I have a business degree (MBA in 2002). Yes, I've been working in the business world for more than 14 years. And yes, I've spent most of those working years in small, start-up, entrepreneurial organizations. But somehow, I had convinced myself that I'm too risk-averse, that I like predictability too much, that I'm just not a born sales person. Bottom line, I'm somewhat of a perfectionist. And I'm pretty sure I'm not a perfect entrepreneur. Well, enough already! It's about time I gave this a shot. Failure, be damned!

So many of us perfectionists experience this phenomenon sometimes referred to as "fear of failure." We figure, "Hey, if I can't be perfect, then why bother. Last thing I want is to look like a fool." Funny thing is, as I read more about the business of professional organizing and spend more time with clients, it's clear that perfectionism is a common thread among people dealing with situational or chronic disorganization. It's tough to tackle a major decluttering/organizing project all alone, without guidance, and fearing failure.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, enough already! If I can become an entrepreneur, then just about anyone can get organized, save money, reduce stress, live healthier and find more time in each day - with a bit of guidance.

About Time Organizing Service is here to help. My service specializes in paper management for small businesses, home offices, and residences, as well as general residential organizing (closets, kitchens, playrooms). About Time also helps clients switch to more earth-friendly, healthy cleaning and disposal methods. Call 617-962-3438 to get started. Together we can do this!